
Ultrasonic Cleaning System


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    Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines in UAE

    Introducing the world’s leading Power Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment, manufactured in a robust and efficient design by the pioneers of Ultrasound Technology from Spain. ULTRATECNO Power Ultrasonic Cleaning System is designed to deliver extraordinary cleaning through a dynamic combination of physics and chemistry, enabling the removal of dense Machinery dirt and waste. Ultrasonic cleaning machines in UAE provide small sized boxes applicable for jewelry and cutlery cleanings.

    Advantages of ULTRATECNO Power Ultrasonic Cleaning System

    Premium Cleaning Quality

    • Excellentcleaning of microscopic & smooth surfaces without damaging any parts
    • Homogeneous results: even if parts have complicated geometries, our Ultrasonic Cleaners remove oil, water lines, etc

    Low running costs

    • Saves up to 80% of labor costs
    • Saves up to 66% of Energy consumption
    • Reduces consumption of Detergents and chemical products by six times

    Health and Safety

    • Avoids direct contact with dangerous products
    • Safe for operator and work area environment

    How does it Work?

    Every effective cleaning requires Physical action as well as Chemical action. In ULTRATECNO Ultrasonic Cleaners, the parts are submerged into a tank of water and 4-5% of effective chemicals. Cavitation; a physical phenomenon produced by ultrasound waves, provides necessary physical action to remove dirt from the parts. During Cavitation, millions of microscopic gaseous bubbles (less than 1 µm) are generated and compressed until they implode, releasing huge volumes of energy. During implosion, temperatures of over 5000º K and pressures of up to 3000 atm. producing a micro-brushing/blasting phenomenon at a very high frequency (28,000 times per second) resulting in outstanding cleaning of the parts.

    Why Choose ULTRATECNO Power Ultrasonic Cleaning?

    • In comparison with standard 40kHz ultrasonic cleaners,ULTRATECNO’s technology delivers 28kHz POWERFUL CAVITATION, which allows Heavy Duty applications as decarb, paint or burnt material removal.
    • The Green Label features of ULTRATECNO Power Ultrasonic Cleaningprovide up to 45% reduction at RUNNING COSTS (electricity and detergent). This means up to568,000 AED saving for a 1000 liter size cleaner during its lifetime (20 years)! Never underestimate running costs calculation when purchasing new equipment!
    • Our traditional design and manufacturing concept is aimed at Heavy Duty industrial daily use. We use robust oversized stainless steel (up to 55% thicker than competitors) & reliable parts for the longest lifetime under extreme conditions

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